What is an Ad Network

What is an Ad Network?

It’s hard to imagine the internet without banner advertisements.  But believe it or not, web pages were free from banners all the way up until 1994, when Hotwired (Wired magazine’s website) displayed the first banner advertisement for AT&T (which received an astounding 44% click-through rate!).  Once that first advertisement was placed, others quickly followed suit….

The Top Advertising Trends for 2024

The Top Advertising Trends for 2024

Online advertising is constantly evolving.  Trends pop up and become “best practices” seemingly overnight and can fall out of favor just as quickly. Companies must keep their fingers on the pulse of the latest social and technological advancements and changes to stay competitive.  When you know the trends and changes, you can adapt your online…

Generate Leads with Affiliate Marketing

Generate Leads with Affiliate Marketing

In marketing, there is often a lot of weight put on retaining and re-marketing to existing customers. This is due to the increased cost of marketing to new customers as opposed to existing ones. However, affiliate marketing is very different. It relies on constantly drawing in new customers to increase sales volume.  If you’re coming…

qué anuncios generan más dinero

¿Qué tipo de anuncios dan más dinero?

A medida que ha avanzado el marketing digital, también lo han hecho el SEO y las tácticas de Google para medir la credibilidad de los sitios. Por fin, podemos decir adiós a las dudosas tácticas de sombrero negro de engañar a los visitantes con estrategias SEO que violan las directrices de los motores de búsqueda. Sin embargo, seguimos necesitando saber qué anuncios generan más dinero. Google y su ejército de...