What is an Ad Network

What is an Ad Network?

It’s hard to imagine the internet without banner advertisements.  But believe it or not, web pages were free from banners all the way up until 1994, when Hotwired (Wired magazine’s website) displayed the first banner advertisement for AT&T (which received an astounding 44% click-through rate!).  Once that first advertisement was placed, others quickly followed suit….

The Top Advertising Trends for 2024

The Top Advertising Trends for 2024

Online advertising is constantly evolving.  Trends pop up and become “best practices” seemingly overnight and can fall out of favor just as quickly. Companies must keep their fingers on the pulse of the latest social and technological advancements and changes to stay competitive.  When you know the trends and changes, you can adapt your online…

How to Optimize Your Google Ads Campaign to Boost ROI

How to Optimize Your Google Ads Campaign to Boost ROI

Google dominates online. Its Chrome browser accounts for over 2/3 of total browser use globally. Its search is so dominant it has become a verb, with people telling you to “just Google it.”  So, it’s no surprise that Google Ads similarly dominates in the online advertising space. Who wouldn’t want to advertise on the most…

How to Provide a Good User Experience While Hosting Ads

How to Provide a Good User Experience While Hosting Ads

Hosting ads on your WordPress website is a common and effective way to generate extra income. We definitely understand that drive. It’s why we created AdSanity in the first place. But we’re also web users ourselves. We know how intrusive and spammy ads can get when mishandled. So, we always try to help encourage our…

How To Sell Ad Space On Your WordPress Site

How To Sell Ad Space On Your WordPress Site

Monetizing a website can be a tricky task, especially through ad space selling. Although this is one of the most common ways of turning a website into a money-making asset, the main challenge lies in figuring out the best ad types to place on your website and leveraging them to generate revenue without compromising good…

manzana y naranja

Google Doubleclick para editores - Elección granular

Ya hemos hablado de cómo Google se ha convertido en una potencia a la hora de ofrecer contenidos publicitarios en línea con su programa AdSense. Si esa fuera su única plataforma publicitaria, seguiría siendo uno de los proveedores dominantes de publicidad en línea. La plataforma Google Doubleclick for Publishers consolida su posición. ¿Por qué hay dos plataformas de la misma empresa?

Primeros pasos con Adsense

Primeros pasos con Adsense

Google. Es lo primero en lo que pensamos cuando se menciona la palabra búsqueda. Su dedicación a catalogar, clasificar y mostrar sitios web a los usuarios que realizan búsquedas les convierte en una fuerza dominante en Internet. Han aprovechado su posición como primer motor de búsqueda para convertirse en líderes en el campo de la publicidad en línea. Sus...