How to Provide a Good User Experience While Hosting Ads

How to Provide a Good User Experience While Hosting Ads

Hosting ads on your WordPress website is a common and effective way to generate extra income. We definitely understand that drive. It’s why we created AdSanity in the first place. But we’re also web users ourselves. We know how intrusive and spammy ads can get when mishandled. So, we always try to help encourage our users to place ads responsibly and follow ad placement best practices.

You’ve done all the work of conceptualizing, designing, building, and maintaining a website that generates a good amount of web traffic. The last thing you want to do is drive your users away with spammy pages or advertisements that break the user experience.

Striking the right balance between a good user experience and ad placement best practices is more vital than ever. Ad Blocker usage is on the rise, and poorly implemented ads risk a loss of all revenue, your audience, or both.

But don’t worry too much. Many of the things you need to consider when placing ads on your WordPress website are probably things you’ve done previously. You already have people coming to your website, right? So, today, we’ll review some ad placement best practices that will help you maintain a positive user experience on your WordPress website.

Let’s get started.


Ad Placement in WordPress is crucial for maintaining a positive user experience. Consider how your content flows and try to ensure that ads don’t interrupt the natural reading or browsing experience. A common practice is to place the ads within the content, at the beginning or end of articles, or in the website’s sidebar. But test this and try to aim for a layout that still feels natural and non-intrusive.

Balance Ad Density

More ads, more profits, right? Not really. Sadly, some still attempt to flood their website with ads to maximize revenue. However, excessive ads are overwhelming and irritating for users (and that ad block is just a click away). Strive for a balanced approach. Maintaining a reasonable ad density ensures a better user experience while still monetizing your site effectively.

Optimize for Speed

Slow-loading websites frustrate users and increase bounce rates. If mishandled, ads can sometimes contribute to slower load times. It’s essential to optimize them. Use tools like Google Page Speed Insights to identify areas where your site can be optimized. Additionally, compress images and make sure ads load smoothly without slowing down your website.

Use Responsive Ad Units

Your audience will access your website from a variety of devices. But more and more, that’ll be smartphones and tablets over desktops. Constantly test to ensure your ad units are responsive and adapt well to all the different screen sizes. Google AdSense and many top ad networks now offer responsive ad units that automatically adjust to the user’s device, preserving the user experience.

Control the Quality

In a rush to get money quickly, some WordPress website ad hosts seek the quickest ad deals they can land. But remember, not all ads are created equal. Many properly formatted and placed ads can still negatively impact the user experience just because they’re the wrong product or have their own negative connotations (which will carry over to you by association if you host them). Screen ads from your ad network to ensure they align with your website’s values and are not intrusive or misleading. Poorly designed or offensive ads can drive users away, so exercise quality control.

Try to Work With Premium Ad Networks

Continuing from the previous point, try to locate and work with premium ad networks (even better if they specialize in your industry) that provide better-quality ads and more control over ad placement. While these networks might have higher entry requirements, they often offer better revenue and work harder to provide a better user experience. Plus, you’ll get a nice boost to how visitors perceive you if you’re associated with high-quality brands and companies.

Consider Native Advertising

Native advertising seamlessly integrates ads into your content, making them feel less like traditional advertisements. These ads mimic the style and format of your content and can be seen as less intrusive and/or more engaging for users. Native ads tend to perform better while maintaining a positive user experience.

Work With, Not Against, Ad Blockers

Because other website owners run invasive and annoying ads, ad blocker usage is rising. But instead of fighting against ad blockers, consider working with them. AdSanity’s Ad Block Detection Add-On allows you to display messages to users with ad blockers, providing an opportunity to maintain a positive experience and potentially regain lost revenue.

Talk with Your Users

People love being part of online communities. While some will enjoy being passive visitors to your site, many will want to be active participants. Ask questions and listen to how your audience answers. Regularly check for user feedback through comments, surveys, or social media. If users complain about specific ads, investigate and take action if necessary. Addressing user concerns shows your commitment to their experience and will deepen their relationship with your website.

Test Constantly

The only thing constant online is that everything is continuously evolving. What works today might not work tomorrow. Similarly, best practices that work in one industry might not work for another. Experiment with ad placement, types, and networks to find the right balance for your specific audience. Regularly analyze ad performance and user behavior to make informed adjustments. Start your journey from an “accepted best practices” baseline, then tweak things to find the perfect recipe for your site.

Wrapping Up

Hosting ads on your WordPress website is a logical next step for many website owners. In fact, many create their sites with the primary objective of hosting ads.

Still, ads should never come at the expense of user experience. So don’t go too crazy or get too greedy. Remember, your users always come first. Strategically place ads, optimize loading times, maintain ad quality, and listen to your users. If you do these things, you can strike a balance that benefits your revenue stream and keeps your website visitors happy.

Remember that in the long run, a positive user experience can lead to increased user engagement, loyalty, and, ultimately, higher ad revenue. Whenever you can follow ad placement best practices.

AdSanity has many valuable features to help you maintain this balance. From helping you choose the correct size ads to reaching out to users running ad blockers, we help websites run successful and beneficial ad campaigns.

Get started hosting ads on your WordPress website with AdSanity today!

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