Make More Money with AdSanity’s Affiliate Program

Make More Money with AdSanity’s Affiliate Program

AdSanity has had an affiliate program for years and we have a great group of affiliates that have been promoting and facilitating the path for new publishers to subscribe. However, in 2023 we finalized a revamp of our affiliate program, implemented a new tiered approach to our commissions, and introduced physical rewards to encourage more…

How To Sell Ad Space On Your WordPress Site

How To Sell Ad Space On Your WordPress Site

Monetizing a website can be a tricky task, especially through ad space selling. Although this is one of the most common ways of turning a website into a money-making asset, the main challenge lies in figuring out the best ad types to place on your website and leveraging them to generate revenue without compromising good…

Pricing Models for Online Ads

Pricing Models for Online Ads – A Comparison

Whether you’re new to digital advertising or a seasoned pro, it is vital you understand the different payment mechanisms or pricing models that best suit your business goal.  Why is it so important? It is the mechanism upon which your advertising revenue is dependent.  As a business looking to advertise on your website, the most…

Mobile-Optimized Ads

Mobile-Optimized Ads

Every business needs a carefully designed website that enables effortless navigation and a performance-optimized user experience. Your website is arguably the hardest working member of your business toiling around the clock to generate new leads. This isn’t particularly new information. However, what is still regularly overlooked is the importance of mobile-optimized sites.  That isn’t to say…

Generate Leads with Affiliate Marketing

Generate Leads with Affiliate Marketing

In marketing, there is often a lot of weight put on retaining and re-marketing to existing customers. This is due to the increased cost of marketing to new customers as opposed to existing ones. However, affiliate marketing is very different. It relies on constantly drawing in new customers to increase sales volume.  If you’re coming…

The Dos and Don'ts of Ad Placement

The Dos and Don’ts of Ad Placement

Settling on ad placement for your website can be a confusing and overwhelming task. It can be made all the worse by a lack of basic web design experience. But it doesn’t need to hold you back! We’re going to explain some fundamental principles of how the space is distributed and explain where to position…

How to find advertisers for direct placement ads

How to Find Advertisers for Direct Placement Ads

It’s undeniable that the landscape of digital advertising has transformed in recent years. As with many things digital, the gatekeepers of the online world (Facebook, Google, etc.) are dominating the market and making a solid buck from anyone wanting to advertise on their websites with ad networks. Whether this is a good or a bad…

¿Qué complementos de AdSanity necesito?

¿Qué complementos de AdSanity necesito?

Es posible que haya notado en varios lugares de nuestro sitio web que sugerimos no descargar todos los complementos de AdSanity, incluso sólo los gratuitos, a menos que necesite utilizarlos para lograr sus objetivos publicitarios. Esta idea puede parecer contraintuitiva, pero hay una buena razón detrás de ella. Algunos complementos ofrecen una funcionalidad similar a...