With AdSanity Core, you are limited to expiring ads based on dates. With the Impressions add-on, you now have the ability to expire an ad after a specific number of views. This opens up the ability to charge your advertisers based on the visibility of their ads. While AdSanity Core doesn’t offer the ability to charge advertisers for ad space directly, we’ve written about how to set this up using a combination of other plugins including how to set up self-service reporting with our Advertiser Reporting add-on.

pantalla de lista de complementos de impresión
La lista Gestionar anuncios muestra los ajustes de impresión de sus anuncios de un vistazo

Impresiones diarias

Establecer un límite diario de impresiones le permite publicar un anuncio durante un periodo de tiempo determinado, pero limitar el número de impresiones diarias del anuncio a un número específico. Una vez alcanzado el número especificado de impresiones, el anuncio no se mostrará durante el resto del día. El anuncio volverá a mostrarse al día siguiente con un nuevo recuento de impresiones.

Impresiones totales

Cuando configure un anuncio para que caduque con un número total de impresiones, el anuncio se mostrará de forma continua hasta que se alcance el número de impresiones.

configuración del complemento de impresión individual
Las impresiones pueden establecerse por día o por todo el tiempo para cada anuncio

When an ad has reached 80% of its impressions, you’ll see the row in the ad list turn yellow to indicate that it is approaching its limit. And when the ad has reached its expiration and will no longer show on the site, the background color of the row will turn red.

NOTE: AdSanity works best when using object caching. While we usually recommend our Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on if you or your host is using a static page caching system or plugin like Varnish or WP Super Cache, the Impressions add-on is not compatible with Google Analytics’ rate limiting policies and will not work as expected.

Requerimientos: Todos los complementos requieren la última versión de AdSanity Core.

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We recommend that users only install the Add-ons needed to achieve a site’s advertising goals and NOT every Add-on available.

Impressions – $29.00 USD/yr


29,00 USD/año

Minimum Requirements

AdSanity: 1.8
WordPress: 5.6
MySQL: 5.7
PHP: 7.4

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