The Image Cache Buster Add-On provides a simple and seamless cache clearing string to all ad images. This will force your cache to clear old versions of the ad. This can be particularly helpful if you find that your animated gif ads aren’t animating as expected. You may have caching on as a performance optimization for your website. This is a great idea and follows best practices, but you want to make sure that your ads display as intended. The best part of this Add-On is that there are no configurations. It’s one of the few times that you can actually set it and forget it.

Requisitos: Todos os Add-Ons requerem a versão mais recente do AdSanity Core.

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We recommend that users only install the Add-ons needed to achieve a site’s advertising goals and NOT every Add-on available.

Cache Buster de Imagem

Minimum Requirements

AdSanity: 1.8
WordPress: 5.6
MySQL: 5.7
PHP: 7.4

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