Libertação de Plugin - AdSanity 1.5

adsanity 1.5 release

AdSanity 1.5 has just arrived! This is the biggest release of AdSanity since version 1.1. It’s packed with several new features, a handful of bug fixes, and performance improvements all around.

Ad Placement Improvements

Single ads have had alignment support for a long time, but ad groups have required custom CSS. From now moving forward, custom CSS is no longer required! You’ll be able to align groups as easily as you do single ads. In order to support ad group alignment and our new and improved responsive CSS, we introduced a max-width parameter in our shortcodes, template tags, and widgets.

Caching is hard. We have improved our caching mechanisms so that using multiple shortcodes, template tags, or widgets with the same parameters get cached separately resulting in more ad variety.

You may have forgotten to select an ad group when saving your widget and that produced a nasty PHP error. We made sure to have a default so this doesn’t happen.

Performance enhancing code

We’ve really focussed in on our HTML5 support. You can now upload a .zip file containing an HTML5 Ad directly into WordPress. This enhancement eliminates the FTP workarounds for HTML5 ads that we have had you do in the past.

While our old method of detecting bots worked, it was memory intensive and often caused problems for those of you on shared hosting. We swapped it out for a lighter weight library, and the performance bump is awesome.

AdSanity 1.5 continues on with our quest to make this product the best ad management platform for WordPress by cleaning up code that was built years ago and further aligning it with WordPress standards. We removed some legacy PHP code tied to widget registration and replaced it with updated methodologies. This plugin is now fully compatible with PHP7+, the fastest and most up-to-date version of PHP around.

User Interface Enhancements

In prior versions of AdSanity, you could only set one ad to be automatically included in your content. We have a new UI that allows you to automatically insert multiple ads in your content. Something that we’ve been asked about several times.

We cleaned up the tracking exclusions setting so that it takes less space. Same great functionality, with an even snazzier user interface.

We also removed the old methodology for our shortcode builder modals and replaced it with an updated interface. Now our shortcode builder modals use a more WordPress standard style modal.

Bug Fixes for AdSanity 1.5

Sometimes the publish settings functionality broke when you had apostrophes in your category names or ad unit titles. We have added some code to make this feature more resilient to different content.

When we added the CSS classes and IDs to the title on the editing screen, we accidentally broke Quick Editing. We’ve fixed that!

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