The Google Analytics platform provides robust tracking and reporting functionality. This Add-On will offload the burden of tracking and storing statistical data from your site to this robust platform. The Google Analytics Tracking Add-On allows tracking of ads from both self-hosted sources as well as external ads from ad networks.
If you are running a high traffic site, we highly recommend using this Add-On to further increase the performance of AdSanity. Please note that you must have a Google Analytics account to use this Add-On. This account should have a property defined that represents your website and you must have connected your site to this property.
Statistics for your views and clicks will update in the Reports section of your dashboard within 24 – 48 hours. If you’d like to track the statistics in real time, you can access the Events in your Google Analytics dashboard.
We’re excited to announce that AdSanity’s Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on is now compatible with Google Analytics Version 4. You can connect the add-on to your new property just as easily as you did with your Universal Analytics property. If you need a refresher on how to do this, we have a couple of steps for you to follow below.
NOTE: There is one very important caveat you should consider before going through this process. Because you are creating a brand new property, all of your historical data will remain in your Google Analytics Universal Analytics property. If this historical data is important to you or your advertisers, you can export it from the Custom Reports screen before switching properties as well as access the data from within the Google Analytics reporting engine at any time.
Below you’ll find the steps to complete the process –
- Create your new Google Analytics Version 4 property. Just like preheating an oven, your Google Analytics property takes a while to be fully established. Because of this, you’ll have to wait a full 24 hours after creating your new property to connect it to the add-on.
- Once you’re past the 24-hour window, you have to go through the reconnection process. Navigate to the AdSanity > Settings > Add-Ons > Google Analytics Tracking Integration page in your dashboard and click the “Click Here to Re-Authenticate” button to begin this process. Be sure to select your new property. If you don’t see your new property in the list, make sure that the “GA4 (new)” option is selected. Once you have completed this process, your view and click stats will begin tracking within your new property.</li>
Requirements: All Add-Ons require the latest version of AdSanity Core.

We recommend that users only install the Add-ons needed to achieve a site’s advertising goals and NOT every Add-on available.
Google Analytics Tracking Integration – $49.00 USD/yr
Google Analytics Tracking Integration
$49.00 USD/yr
Minimum Requirements
AdSanity: 1.8
WordPress: 5.6
MySQL: 5.7
PHP: 7.4