One of the methods of placing ads on pages that AdSanity supports is via shortcodes. We provide shortcode builders for single ads and ad groups in the core AdSanity plugin. Additionally, shortcode builders are added to the classic WordPress editor when you install the Ordered Ad Group Widget Add-On and the Rotating Ad Widget Add-On. These builders allow you to quickly add the shortcode to your pages. However, you may want to add your shortcodes manually and this reference breaks down the attributes in each of the shortcodes.

Single Ad Shortcode

The single ad shortcode consists of three parameters; id, align, and max_width (which is optional).

Example [adsanity id=”107″ align=”alignleft” max_width=”100″/]

  • The adsanity id parameter has a value equal to the id number of the ad in use.
  • The align parameter can have values of; alignleft, alignright, aligncenter, or alignnone.
  • The max_width parameter has a value equal to the pixel width you enter.

Ad Group Shortcode

The ad group shortcode has five parameters; num_ads, align, num_columns, group_ids, and max_width (which is optional). Note: displaying a single random ad from a group is as simple as setting your num_ads and num_columns parameters to 1.

Example [adsanity_group num_ads=”1″ align=”alignleft” num_columns=”1″ group_ids=”2″ max_width=”100″ random=”1″/]

  • The adsanity_group num_ads parameter has a value equal to the number of ads in the group you want to display.
  • The align parameter can have values of; alignleft, alignright, aligncenter, or alignnone.
  • The num_columns parameter has a value equal to the number of columns you specify.
  • The group_ids parameter has a value equal to the id number of the ad group in use.
  • The max_width parameter has a value equal to the pixel width you enter.

Rotating Ad Shortcode

The rotating ad shortcode has four parameters; align, time, group_id, and max_width (which is optional).

Example [adsanity_rotating align=”alignleft” time=”10″ group_id=”2″ max_width=”100″ random=”1″/]

  • The adsanity_rotating align parameter can have values of; alignleft, alignright,aligncenter, or alignnone.
  • The time parameter has a value equal to the rotation interval you specify in seconds.
  • The group_id parameter has a value equal to the id number of the ad group in use.
  • The max_width parameter has a value equal to the pixel width you enter.

Ordered Ad Group Shortcode

The order ad group shortcode has four parameters; ad_ids, num_columns, align, and max_width (which is optional).

Example [adsanity_ordered ad_ids=”105,107,104,106″ num_columns=”1″ align=”alignleft” max_width=”200″ /]

  • The adsanity_ordered ad_ids consists of the ad ids in the order you want them to appear separated by commas.
  • The num_columns parameter has a value equal to the number of columns you specify.
  • The align parameter can have values of; alignleft, alignright, aligncenter, or alignnone.
  • The max_width parameter has a value equal to the pixel width you enter.

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