AdSanity has been built to work with Add-Ons that can extend the base functionality of the plugin. Not all Add-Ons are for every user so they can be added when needed as a separate plugin installation for your WordPress site. New Add-Ons are constantly in the works. Some Add-Ons are free to all subscribers these are our Basic Add-Ons. Some are Pro Add-Ons and are a paid addition to one of our annual licenses. The Developer license offers access to all of our Pro Add-Ons as pert of the annual subscription.
We’ve created all of our Add-Ons to take full use of the Settings page of AdSanity. This way all of your configurations will happen in one area of the dashboard. When an AdSanity Add-On is installed a new tab is added to the Setting page titled “Add-Ons.” This new tab has a sub-menu that updates with each additional AdSanity Add-On you install. In addition, the Licenses tab updates to include the licensing section for the installed Add-Ons.

Here is the current list of AdSanity Add-Ons:
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