The Conditional Ad Appearance Add-On provides a new metabox on the Create Ad screen. This metabox is titled “Conditional Ad Appearance” and is disabled by default.

Once enabled, you are able to choose the condition for the display of the ad. First, you can choose the condition type from a dropdown list of options. Anything from a specific post to a category, or even a specific user role can be chosen as the type of condition. Then you can choose if the condition type is met or not. We’ve recently added a condition for Device Type. This selection allows you to set an ad for Desktop, Mobile, or Tablet settings so you can serve three ads in the same group and have them load based on the device setting. Additionally, we now have a Membership option for choosing specific MemberPress memberships that you may be using on your site.

And finally you can choose from a set of contextual options based on the type of condition you’ve chosen. For example, you can set an ad to display if the post type is equal to pages.

To give you the most granularity you can designate additional condition types for the same ad. You can use “And” statements to narrow down the display of the ad or “Or” statements to expand the display of the ad. For example, our ad was previously set to display on pages, but I also want the ad to display on posts with a category of “Animals.” Here is what that looks like:

These conditions will hold true for the particular ad even within ad groups. So, if you have the ad in a group that displays over your whole blog, but you have an ad hidden for a specific category then the ad won’t display on posts with that category while the rest of the ads in the group will.
Requirements: All Add-Ons require the latest version of AdSanity Core.
We recommend that users only install the Add-ons needed to achieve a site’s advertising goals and NOT every Add-on available.
Conditional Ad Appearance – $19.00 USD/yr
Conditional Ad Appearance
$19.00 USD/yr
Minimum Requirements
AdSanity: 1.8
WordPress: 5.6
MySQL: 5.7
PHP: 7.4