AdSanity Reader’s Survey

We’d like to pick your brain. With the excitement of our latest release behind us we’re looking ahead to plot AdSanity’s course for the future. We have a pretty good idea of what comes next but we want to get some feedback from our readers. Even if you don’t currently use AdSanity we’d love to hear your thoughts and see if we can incorporate them into our roadmap for development.
We’re going to leave this survey running from now until the end of July and then we’ll discuss the results of the survey.
Answer these questions if you own, or are managing a website that runs advertisements:
The survey is now closed. Thank you for your feedback.
Key to Add-ons
- Offload tracking – tracking views and clicks via Google Analytics instead of in your WordPress database
- On-Page Timed Rotating Ads – ads will rotate on-page using a timed interval
- Order Groups Ad Widget – ads can be placed in specific positions within an ad widget, shortcode, or template tag instead of in random positions
- AdBlock Detection Notice – this add-on alerts users who are using an ad blocker that you are running ads and hides content from them
- Ad Duration by Impressions – displays ads based on the number of times they’ve been shown as opposed to a date based display
- Hide Ads by User Role – allows ads to not display for users of specific WordPress roles, ideal for membership sites
- Advertiser Reporting – a suite of tools for advertisers using a special user role, add stats to the user profile page, automated email notifications to advertiser when an ad is going to expire, tracking unique views in addition to returning views
- Conditional Ad Appearance – ability to have ads show only on specific categories instead of site-wide
- Ad Weights – create a weighted for ads so that ads with a heavier weight display more frequently then ads weighted lighter
- Automated House Ads – create a system to automatically display a house ad in an unused ad unit
- Ad Network Code Import – reduce the javascript impacts of ads from outside networks
- Ad Builder – a library of backgrounds, textures, fonts, as well as templates to facilitate the creation of static ads
Ready to get started?
There are licenses available for all types of sites needs needs. Click the button to the right to find the AdSanity tier that is right for you.
Ready to Make Money With Your Site?
Get ads on your site in
60 minutes or less
with AdSanity.
With our 14-day money back guarantee, it’s easy to see if AdSanity is the right fit for you.
Popular Pro Add-Ons
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