We have built some custom filters into AdSanity to help developers like yourself extend and/or modify the default behaviors. Below is a list of filters that we include in the plugin. Custom code can be placed in your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin.
# adsanity_ads_posts_columns
Modifies the columns listed in the post listing on the admin.
# adsanity_ads_sortable_posts_columns
Modifies the list of sortable columns in the post listing on the admin.
# adsanity_ads_posts_columns_{$column}_value
# adsanity_ad_sizes
This filter allows you to change the ad sizes that are available to choose when creating an ad unit.
# adsanity_ads_posts_sortable_by_{$orderby}
Allows you to set custom sorting parameters.
# pj_ads_labels
Allows you to change the labels of the ads custom post type.
# ads_setup
Allows you to modify any of the arguments passed to the register_post_type function.
# adsanity_post_class
Allows you to modify the css classes that wrap an ad unit.
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