About AdSanity – Ad Management Made Easy
The current change logs for all of the AdSanity plugins. – 12/12/2011
- Launch! – 12/13/2011
- Removed non-standard ad sizes from the defaults
- Tracking filters can now be disabled by setting the constant ADSANITY_TRACK_THIS to true in wp-config.php
- Fixed default CSS for 125s and 140s – 12/20/2011
- Update far future date for ADSANITY_EOL to Dec 31, 2035 to keep within unix time limit for all hosts. – 12/04/2012
- WordPress 3.5 compatibility. The upgrade of the jQuery javascript library in 3.5 introduced an error in the jQuery UI Datepicker widget we have bundled. In 1.0.3, we’re eliminating the redundancy of this external library. WordPress now ships with the datapicker functionality, so we’re going to be using that moving forward.
- Fixed “Add featured image” and “Remove featured image” text being replaced by “Set banner ad image” and “Remove banner ad image” on non-ad post types
- Moved
call toafter_setup_theme
hook – 02/25/2013
- Added
shortcode - Added TinyMCE buttons for both
(single ad) and`[adsanity_group]`
(group of ads) - Introduced script debug mode
- Compressed all images to be as small as possible
- Fixed undefined index notices, silence is golden
- View/Click tracking now works in accordance with the time zone set it WordPress – 02/26/2013
- Fixed a bug where shortcode form file paths were incorrect on some installs – 03/02/2013
- Fixed a bug where a filter would apply an order to non-ad posts. props @bradyvercher – 03/13/2013
- Return the original request – 07/09/2013
- Fixed issue on multi-site or with in WordPress in a subdirectory where shortcode pop-ups would not pull in ads or ad groups (props Mike Dowling) – 09/18/2013
- Fixed issue on the custom stats page where the search filter wouldnwasn’t working
- Show ads that are scheduled to be published in the future in sidebar widgets. – 09/22/2013
- Fixed javascript enqueuing errors (props Heather & Amy for the catch) – 12/12/2013
- Adds PressTrends anonymous usage tracking
- Fixes CSS issue when the plugin is not authorized
- Visual updates for WordPress 3.8 “Parker”
- Fixes Javascript issue when not authorized
- Added Notes field to create/edit screen to track data about ad units
- If theme doesn’t support thumbnails, add thumbnail support globally
- Show size label instead of size value on ad list View
- Reworked menu and screen titles due to change in WordPress admin style
- Updated admin styles for WordPress 3.8 – 01/09/2014
- Fixes an issue with the single ad widget where the clicking on the text label for the ad’s checkbox would always select the first radio button. (props Taylor Johnson & Greg Yoder) – 05/07/2014
- Fixed timezone string functionality for sites using UTC with offsets
- Removed Presstrends tracking – 08/27/2014
- Interesting tidbit: 32-bit systems can only handle integers up to 2147483647. Timestamps are integers. Sometime in 2038, timestamps will stop being valid integers.
- Fixed: Custom stats engine bug. Users can now return results in any time range.
- Upgraded jQuery Flot library to 0.8.3
- Adds ability to export custom stats to csv – 11/12/2014
- Fixes a Javascript error on the Ad Edit page with the jQuery Flot library – 11/12/2014
- Fixes date formatting on charts – 11/20/2014
- Fixes a bug when a new plugin is added so that AdSanity doesn’t throw an error.
- Changes plugin activation workflow so that AdSanity is functional without being authenticated, but won’t receive automatic updates until it’s properly authenticated.
- Corrige o problema quando as regras de reescrita não são lavadas após a ativação, fazendo com que os anúncios não sejam redirecionados para seu destino de forma adequada.
- Adiciona linguagem útil à tela de edição de anúncios para criação avançada de anúncios HTML/texto através de anúncios em rede.
- Corrige o problema onde o campo Tracking URL estava escondido do código do anúncio da rede quando poderia ter sido útil para a criação de anúncios HTML/texto.
- General code formatting updates for consistency. – 08/19/2015
- Removes PHP4 style constructors from widgets because WordPress 4.3 deprecated them
- Fixes an undefined notice in the tracking filters admin page – 01/21/2016
- Fixed CSS font issues
- Moved AdRoatate importer into free add-on to streamline codebase and improve UI
- Removed legacy files
- Added loads of inline documentation
- Improved internationalization (if you’re interested in helping translate AdSanity, let us know!)
- Switched WP_Cache API to Transients API for greater performance compatibility
- Continued code improvements using PHP 5.3 compatible functionality
- Fixed Authorization Engine
- Updated styling for admin screens
- Fixed errors for static function calls on non static functions. – 01/21/2016
- Introduces ad theme templates for individual ads (ad-123.php) – 02/04/2016
- Fixes issue with new update engine to eliminate erroneous update notices (props @danielbleich) – 04/26/2016
- Add css widths for all default ad sizes to help with centering in some themes – 03/23/2017
- New: Introduces new default ad sizes based on the IAB standards
- New: Quick copy/paste buttons have been added to the ad list, ad edit, and ad group list areas in the dashboard
- New: Now fully set up for translations
- New: Added actions to ad display for easier modifying of the ad markup without using theme templates
- New: Added action to click tracking to allow custom code to be run on ad click
- Fix: In WordPress Multi-Site with subdirectories, we now prevent a sub-site from being created with the name “ads”
- Fix: Multiple widgets with the same ad group selected will now choose random ads for each group
- Fix: Removed globals during rewrite rule flushing
- Fix: Fixes permalink flushing issues on activation, deactivation, and upgrades for avoid 404s on clicked ads
- Change: Switches from using the WP_Cache API to the Transients API for caching for broader compatibility
- Update: Updates the plugin update library
- Update: Updates to admin markup for WordPress compatibility and accessibility
- Update: Updated default CSS to include fixed widths for fixed pixel based ad sizes
- Update: Code standardization and formatting
- Update: Improved inline documentation
- Update: Introduced data management system for future proofing updates
- Update: Overhauled the User Agent detection system
- Update: Performance boosts for queries
- Update: Removes dependency on Google APIs for external javascript libraries
- Security: Increased security by adding index files so directories can’t be indexed in search engines
- Security: Increased security by making sure indivisual PHP files can’t be loaded directly in a browser – 03/24/2017
- Fixed an issue with the automatic updater – 07/12/2017
- New: Settings screen framework for add-ons (nerdy developer stuff)
- New: Setting to toggle tracking of views and clicks per user role
- New: Setting to enable automatic inclusion of ads in content areas
- New: Filter for toggling tracking on or off
- Change: Removes clearfix from ad group widget and template tags
- Update: Cleans up old files from plugin
- Update: Adds ‘widget’ class to widgets so our default styling applies more consistently
- Update: Updates the browsecap file for improved bot detection
- Update: Updated the Update Engine and licensing APIs for add-ons
- Fix: Fixes issue where “December 31, 2035” would appear instead of “Forever” – 09/28/2017
- New: Filters for hiding ads programmatically
- New: Compatibility for hot swapping charts in Google Analytics Tracking add-on
- Update: Translation files have been updated to remove html
- Update: TinyMCE dialogs have been modernized
- Fix: Expiring and Expired Ads are now being correctly highlighted in ad list
- Fix: PHP Notice for undefined offset has been cleared
- Fix: Compatibility with Custom Ad Sizes add-on has been restored – 10/10/2017
- New: Advertiser role for upcoming add-on
- New: Actions and filters – 11/19/2017
- New: Ad Group Statistics Block
- New: Add-ons submenu
- New: Adds CSS Selectors (ID and Class) to Ad list
- Updated: Format of Statistics dashboard
- Updated: License UI bug
- Fix: PHP errors in Statistics ajax requests
- Fix: Better checks for stored ad sizes to eliminate errors – 01/05/2018
- Updated: Show missing Add-Ons on the add-ons page
- Fix: Undefined index notice
- Fix: Statistics were inverted
- Fix: Number formatting in Statistics
- Fix: Javascript errors when using a WYSIWYG editor on the front-end of a website – props @mizziness – 03/21/2018
- New: Added new classes to ad output, prefixed with “adsanity” for less collisions with theme styles
- New: Adds PHPUnit Tests to ensure code is functional prior to each release
- New: Adds new filters for error messaging if something goes wrong when a visitor clicks an ad
- New: Ads.txt settings
- New: Push Notification System
- Updated: Update Engine is now even more maintainable
- Updated: Additional data escaping and sanitization to improve security
- Updated: Theme template files have new improvements. If you’ve copied the theme templates into your theme in order to make customizations and you want to take advantage of the new error handling or hooks, you’ll need to go through the same process again to pick up the new changes. – 03/23/2018
- Fix: Bug in Ads.txt upgrade process when checking for existing google ads
- Updated: Reduced notification check down to twice daily – 04/23/2018
- Fix: Fixes ads.txt functionality when a WordPress site isn’t located at the root of the domain.
- Updated: Checks put in place for ads.txt file in the filesystem that rendered our settings useless – 05/21/2018
- Fix: Updates license activation endpoint to resolve requests being blocked by Sucuri Web Application Firewall – 08/04/2018
- New: Alignment for Ad Group shortcodes, template tags, and widgets
- New: Max-Width parameter for ads and ad groups to help with responsive styling
- New: Native HTML5 Ad Support
- New: Replaced browsecap bot detection library for piwik bot detection library. HUGE performance increase.
- Fix: Each shortcode, template tag, and widget now has it’s own cache group to minimize duplicate ads
- Fix: Javascript errors when editing ads if ads or ad groups had special characters
- Fix: Set default values for ad groups if one wasn’t selected
- Fix: Empty fields in Quick Edit are no longer empty
- Updated: New UI for automatic ad inclusion
- Updated: New UI for tracking role exclusions
- Updated: AdSanity branding – logos, icons, etc.
- Updated: General code cleanup and standardization
- Removed: PHP4 style constructors for better PHP7 support
- Removed: Old TinyMCE logic and UI – 11/05/2018
- New: Added Max Width settings for Random Ad widget
- New: Added Alignment settings for Random Ad widget
- Fix: Add spacing in between ads in a group
- Fix: Default value of alignnone for ad group alignment
1.6.0 – 05/15/2019
- New: Gutenberg blocks for embedding single, random, and ad groups into content.
- New: Beaver Builder Modules for embedding single, random, and ad groups into Beaver Builder content.
- New: Alignment options for Ad Groups.
- New: Webpack-based build process.
- New: Ads are now exposed in the REST API for more embedding options.
- New: max-width parameter introduced to make sure that ads don’t grow bigger than intended.
- Updated: Ad publish and expiration can now be set to a specific date and time of day.
- Updated: Automatic Inclusion rules have been improved to support multiple inclusion spots.
- Updated: New CSS to handle responsive ads more reliably.
- Updated: Reformatted legacy code to conform to WordPress Core standards.
- Updated: Caching has been reworked to provide better garbage collection so your wp-options table won’t balloon.
- Fix: Eliminated TinyMCE-related Javascript errors.
- Fix: Publish and expiration dates now work in languages other than English.
- Fix: Views and Clicks will now display properly in reporting as expected.
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the “Select All” trigger in Custom Reports that would make it select more ads than were visible in some cases.
- Removed: Backwards compatibility for WordPress <3.9
- Stats: 124 commits, 15 branches, 6 months have occurred since our last update. – 12/16/2019
- Fix: Changes ordering of the results when searching for an ad in the single ad block.
- Fix: Allows .zip files to be uploaded for HTML5 ads on platforms with non-standard mime types.
- Fix: Prevents PHP errors when automatic inclusion is not set in the settings.
- Fix: Stops console errors in some cases when jQuery wasn’t defined as expected. – 12/19/2019
- Updated: Makes cache keys more unique to resolve issues with the Conditional Ads add-on.
- Updated: The EDD plugin update engine. – 02/06/2020
- New: Adds visual preview of ad size when selecting an ad size.
- New: Display the total views in the past 7 days on the Ad Edit screen.
- New: New specific functionality for creating and styling text based ads.
- New: Lots of new developer hooks to provide for more customization.
- Update: All charts in AdSanity Core now use the Chart.js library. This means our charts are now responsive, yay!
- Update: For sites with lots of ads with similar names, more results will be returned in gutenberg blocks.
- Update: Default ad size is 300×250 and can be filtered to your preference with the
filter. - Update: Adds placeholder text to increase usability on Beaver Builder modules.
- Update: New icons for blocks, shortcodes, and Beaver Builder modules to improve contrast.
- Fix: Daily stats column now shows correct stats.
- Fix: Views and clicks on the Ad Edit screen now show the correct stats.
- Fix: Adds missing
post_id variable
for localization. - Fix: HTML5 ads now render properly without mixed content issues.
- Fix: Changes ordering of the results when searching for an ad in the random ad and ad group blocks.
- Removed: Push notifications to remove the annoying notifications that would never go away. – 03/13/2020
- New: A brand new hook has been added to the support page for our add-ons to use.
- Update: When click through rates are really low, they weren’t displaying. We’ve made it so that they’ll be more likely to display.
- Fix: If you forget to place a value in the max width field, AdSanity will now display the ad.
- Fix: You can now delete rows in the automatic inclusion again.
- Fix: Searching for ad group names in the blockBlock UI wasn’t working. It is now. – 04/10/2020
- Update: We have made it clear which add-ons you have installed and active under our Add-Ons page.
- Fix: We fixed a bug in our Rotating Ad Widget Add-On, but it needed a compatibility patch in AdSanity Core. Make sure to update AdSanity Core first! – 11/05/2020
- New: Added extensibility to automatic inclusion.
- New: Custom Divi Modules for tighter integration with Divi.
- New: Column in Ad Groups shows how many active ads are in each group.
- New: Developer actions/filters for AdSanity reporting screens.
- New: Allow shortcodes to be used in Text ads.
- New: Disable lazy loading for hosted ads.
- Update: WordPress 5.5 Compatibility.
- Update: Single Ad Widget now supports Max Width setting.
- Update: HTML5 Upload enhancements.
- Update: Speed improvements to the widget interface in the Customizer.
- Update: New selection interface for custom reports.
- Update: Security enhancements to align with WordPress coding standards.
- Update: Device Detector library has been updated.
- Update: Filter prioritization to remove extraneous columns in Ad list.
- Fix: Automatic inclusion no longer runs in the admin.
- Fix: Enhanced compatibility with page builders by switching from using
. - Fix: Compatibility fixes for Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on. – 02/15/2021
- Fix: The “Headers already output” error has been fixed. – 01/13/2022
- Fix: Limited access to upload files to author users and above. – 02/08/2022
- Fix: WordPress 5.9 Block Editor compatibility. – 06/07/2022
- New: We’ve added a “Reset” button to delete (permanently) all internal statistics. This is a destructive operation and the data will no longer be retrievable.
- New: We have added Single ad, Random Ad, and Ad Group Elementor modules to more easily include AdSanity ads in your Elementor sites.
- New: Completely rewrote our metadata methodology to allow for alternative statistic storage which will increase performance overall.
- New: We added more developer-oriented hooks to allow for further customization of the AdSanity platform.
- Update: More obvious visual indicators have been added while custom reports are loading.
- Fix: Compatibility with page builders and nested WordPress loops has been improved across the board.
- Fix: WordPress 6.0 Full-Site Editing Compatibility. – 06/09/2023
- New: For a long time, we’ve used a bot detection library to help stop bot traffic from inflating your stats. This library also includes a device detection library so we know what type of device is viewing your site. If you’ve ever wanted to serve different ads on Desktop, Tablet, and/or Mobile, now you can with our Conditional Ads Add-on.
- Update: We have updated our code to be more stable when dealing with reporting data in a variety of formats. This should prevent errors and speed up access to your reports. – 12/04/2023
- Update: Bot & Device Library Update – AdSanity 1.9.2 contains an updated version of the Matomo Device Type and Bot detection libraries.
- Update: PHP 8.2 Compatibility – As PHP continues to evolve, our code needs to adapt to those new standards. This update contains some fixes for PHP 8.2 deprecations.
- Update: Divi Embeds – We fixed a usability issue with the Divi modules that caused ads not to be selected by default. – 03/21/2024
- New: AdSanity is now fully translated into Spanish so you can use it in your native language.
- Update: Enhanced compatibility with AdSanity – Rotating Ads embeds.
- Update: We’ve updated our software update library to be more compatible with PHP 8+.
- Fix: Rebuilt the AdSanity plugin zip file to be more compatible with WordPress on different platforms. – 11/18/2024
- Fix: A bug related to bot detection via User Agent strings has been fixed as well as a few other PHP 8+ compatibility issues.
1.0.0 – 07/14/2017
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 12/20/2017
- New: Added setting to swap between warning mode and mandatory mode. Warning mode allows visitors to dismiss the warning for a specified number of days, while mandatory mode forces the visitor to disable the ad blocker before viewing your content.
1.2.0 – 04/08/2019
- New: Added Gutenberg support
1.2.1 – 05/15/2019
- Updated: Makes update process more resilient by using the product id rather than the product name.
1.3.0 – 01/27/2021
- Updated: Updates the ad block detection methodology to adapt to changes in ad blocker engines.
1.3.1 – 02/02/2021
- Fix: Fixes persistent update notice.
1.3.2 – 02/01/2022
- Update: Adapted our Ad Blocker checking so that the detection scripts don’t get blocked by Ad Blockers. This add-on has been tested against the latest versions of the following Ad Blockers – AdBlock Plus – free ad blocker, AdBlock – best ad blocker, AdGuard AdBlocker, uBlock Origin
1.4.0 – 03/22/2023
- New: This version allows you to take advantage of the granularity of the WordPress template hierarchy to activate the ad block detection script on your site.
1.4.1 – 04/12/2024
- Updated: We’ve updated our software update library to be more compatible with PHP 8+
1.0.0 – 11/15/2017
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 07/09/2018
- New: Adds the advertiser name to the post list for quicker identification of ads per advertiser
1.2.0 – 05/15/2019
- New: Allows for HTML emails.
- Update: Adjusts the date-based mechanisms for triggering emails to match new AdSanity Core publish settings.
- Update: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
- Fix: Makes the `*|DAYS|*` variable more accurate by checking against the actual end date.
1.3.0 – 02/06/2020
- New: Adds test email functionality so you can preview the email before your advertisers see it.
- Updated: Better error handling when things go awry.
- Updated: Added mroe developer hooks so you can customize the Advertiser dashboard.
1.4.0 – 02/08/2021
- New: We now handle cases where the a WordPress user exists for an advertiser before an advertiser term or vice versa.
- Updated: Removes custom styling for reports.
- Updated: When selecting a drop down on the custom reports page, reset the other drop downs.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where non-checkbox fields would sometimes be disabled in custom reports.
- Fix: Don’t remove other ads from the query on the front end.
1.4.1 – 11/01/2021
- Updated: Adds more compatibility with WordPress multi-site when creating advertisers.
- Fix: Fixes the display of ads for advertisers when using this plugin in conjunction with the Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on.
1.4.2 – 01/17/2023
- Updated: Adds more descriptive labels to the Advertiser taxonomy.
- Fix: Fixes an issue that was throwing a critial error in PHP 8.
1.4.3 – 04/23/2024
- New: AdSanity – Advertiser Reporting is now fully translation ready. If you would like to contribute a translation, we’d love to give you credit.
- Updated: As PHP continues to evolve, our code needs to adapt to those new standards. This update contains some fixes for PHP 8.2 deprecations.
1.0.0 – 01/05/2018
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 03/13/2018
- Fixed issue with ad groups displaying when they weren’t supposed to be displayed
1.1.1 – 03/14/2018
- Fixed issue with ad groups displaying when they weren’t supposed to be displayed
1.1.2 – 11/29/2018
- Fixed compatibility with the rotating ad widget
1.2.0 – 05/15/2019
- Update: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
1.3.0 – 02/12/2020
- Fix: We’ve updated the way that we match taxonomies in a variety of situations to fix issues with ads displaying in places they shouldn’t
- Fix: We have updated the code of the conditional ad interface to be more resilient to conflicts from other plugins or themes.
1.4.0 – 05/02/2022
- Update: Creates the ability to expand the search results of autocomplete fields.
- Update: Highlights matching words in the autocomplete search results with the search term.
1.5.0 – 06/09/2023
- New: New condition to show ads based on device type. These devices include Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop. This means that you can now serve different ads based on the device your visitors are using. AdSanity 1.9.1 is required for device detection to function as expected.
- New: New condition to show ads based on MemberPress membership level. One sure way to grow your membership is by providing special resources and discounted partner offers. AdSanity and MemberPress integrate together to help you track your engagement on these special member offers.
1.6.0 – 05/31/2024
- Update: We’ve updated our software update library to be more compatible with PHP 8+.
- Update: Updated code formatting for stricter adherence to the WordPress coding standards.
- Update: Updated several data comparisons to utilize stricter data type checking.
1.0.0 – 12/01/2014
- Initial release
1.1.0 – 07/23/2017
- New: Imported update engine functionality so add-on can be automatically updated
- Updated: Jump to notification when saving sizes
- Updated: Changed save icon for more clarity
1.2.0 – 08/14/2018
- Updated: Revised interface to clear up the saving of sizes.
1.3.0 – 04/18/2019
- New: Gutenberg support
1.3.1 – 05/15/2019
- Updated: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
1.4.0 – 02/12/2020
- Updated: Adds CSS to support custom sized ads in the editing experience for both the block editor and the classic editor.
- Fix: Updates alignment for the Trash button when deleting a custom ad size.
1.5.0 – 11/05/2020
- New: Adds dynamic CSS to support any custom ad sizes to the front-end.
1.5.1 – 11/09/2020
- Updated: Dynamic CSS now supports iFrames.
- Updated: Changes the dynamic CSS endpoint to prevent it getting removed by ad blockers.
1.6.0 – 07/10/2024
- New: Admin notifications showing the result of the save action.
- Update: We’ve updated our software update library to be more compatible with PHP 8+.
- Update: Modernized the entire codebase to be more compatible with newer WordPress versions.
- Update: Security enhancements during form submissions and admin page output.
- Update: Revamped our build tools to provide smaller and faster loading files on the front and back end.
- New: AdSanity – Custom Ad Sizes is now fully translation ready. If you would like to contribute a translation, we’d love to give you credit.
- Fix: Corrects the URL used for the dynamci CSS file for sites that use WordPress in a sub-folder.
- Fix: Always output the dynamic css file as text/css to avoid mime type errors.
- Fix: Rebuilt the AdSanity – Custom Ad Sizes plugin zip file to be more compatible with WordPress on different platforms.
1.0.0 – 09/26/2017
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 10/10/2017
IMPORTANT: The update for this version requires that you have a minimum version of 1.2.1 for AdSanity Core. If you don’t have that version, you will lose access to your Reports section in AdSanity!
- New: Notice on Reports screens indicating that stats are not displayed in real time due to Google’s APIs
- New: Compatibility for upcoming add-on
- Update: Better detection of changes in MonsterInsights activation/deactivation
- Update: Better user experience for activation when MonsterInsights is present
- Update: Better handling of role exclusion settings in conjunction with MonsterInsights
- Fix: Issue with role checking that caused errors to be sent to the error log (props @chriscct7)
- Fix: Removed error notice on re-authentication when there was no error
1.2.0 – 10/31/2017
- New: Adds click charts to custom reports
- New: Adds Ad Group overview to reporting dashboard
- Update: New layout for Reporting dashboard
1.2.1 – 01/30/2018
- Fix: Fixes display bug on the license setting page
1.2.2 – 03/27/2018
- Update: More maintainable update engine
- Fix: Fixes reporting chart display on ads with special characters in their name
1.3.0 – 05/16/2019
- Fix: Addresses PHP7 Compatibility by removing deprecated functionality
1.3.1 – 05/22/2019
- Update: Error handling has been improved when we get errors back from Google Analytics in our stat reporting screens.
1.3.2 – 03/02/2020
- Fix: Fixes Google unverified authentication screen.
1.3.3- 05/08/2020
- New: We added an overview of views and clicks over the last 7 day period on the Ad edit screen.
- Update: We have removed the extraneous stats box on the Ad edit screen.
- Fix: We have addressed the double pageview tracking issues some users are experiencing when including their analytics outside of this add-on.
- Fix: We have adjusted our queries of the Google Analytics API to show stats more consistently throughout the reports.
1.4.0 – 08/21/2020
- We have fixed a compatibility issue when using Google Tag Manager or custom named trackers. AdSanity will now consistently report events to Google Analytics.
1.4.1 – 09/22/2020
- Fixes wp_send_json_error calls
- Adds more detail to responses when there’s an ajax error
1.4.2 – 04/26/2021
- Removes Monster Insights Integration
1.5.0 – 08/26/2021
- Rewrite of Google authentication code.
- Updated scripts to use gtag implementation instead of analytics.js for reater compatibility.
1.5.1 – 09/17/2021
- Update: Performance improvements across the AdSanity settings pages.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with GA4 properties that would cause views/clicks to not be registered.
1.5.2 – 11/01/2021
- Fix: Fixed an issue with advertiser access to their reports when running this add-on alongside the Advertiser Reporting add-on.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with reports not respecting the date selection.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with the reporting charts not being displayed when using universal analytics.
1.5.3 – 02/28/2022
- Update: Updates the Google Analytics Client Services Library for renewed compatibility with the Google Analytics V4 beta API.
- Fix: Ensures that the JavaScript runs on the Settings page if this add-on is the first in the sub menu.
1.5.4 – 07/20/2022
- Update: We have updated our Google Authentication process in preparation for a requirement that Google is going to start enforcing in October 2022. This will require all users of this add-on to re-authenticate with Google prior to viewing any reports in the plugin as the old methodology is not compatible with Google’s new standards. There will be no lapse in tracking if immediate action is not taken.
1.5.5 – 10/05/2022
- Fix: Fixes an error that occasionally comes up during the Google authentication process.
1.5.6 – 03/21/2023
- Fix: Google changed their data api for V4 events and item scopes. This caused our reports to break. We’ve fixed this to the correctly scoped items.
1.5.7 – 04/06/2023
- Update: Tested for WordPress 6.2 compatibility.
- Fix: The change in Google’s Data API caused the click data to disappear from our reports. The data was still being tracked all along, but like a good magic trick, that data hos now reappeared in our reports!
1.5.8 – 10/17/2023
- Fix: Replaces dashes with emdashes in the report queries due to the way that WordPress converts these automatically.
- Fix: You can now click on the name of the ad in the custom reports select list in addition to the checkbox for better usability.
- Fix: Fixes the error thrown by Google Data APIs when looking for data out of its accepted range.
1.5.9 – 10/18/2023
- Update: Updates the licensing software for PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Update: Updates the Google Analytics Connection for PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Fix: Fixes another error thrown by Google Data APIs when looking for data out of its accepted range.
1.0.0 – 12/01/2014
- Initial release
1.1.0 – 07/23/2017
- New: Imported update engine functionality so add-on can be automatically updated
- Updated: Plugin structure built to match standard AdSanity add-on architecture
1.2.0 – 05/16/2019
- Update: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
- Fix: Licensing issues have been resolved.
1.3.0 – 07/11/2024
- Update: We’ve updated our software update library to be more compatible with PHP 8+.
- Update: Modernized the entire codebase to be more compatible with newer WordPress versions.
- Fix: Rebuilt the AdSanity – Image Cache Buster plugin zip file to be more compatible with WordPress on different platforms.
1.0.0 – 08/23/2019
- Initial release!
1.1.0 – 03/22/2024
- Updates the plugin update library so that it’s compatible with PHP 8.2+
1.0.0 – 05/25/2017
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 07/12/2017
- Updated the Update engine and licensing system
1.2.0 – 09/28/2017
- New: Filters for hiding ads programmatically
- Fix: Don’t show ads that have been expired
- Change: Integrate New TinyMCE API
1.3.0 – 05/16/2019
- New: Gutenberg Support!
- New: Beaver Builder module!
- Update: Update branding to match new AdSanity branding.
- Update: New markup to better address responsiveness.
- Update: Better garbage collection to address issues with options table bloat.
- Fix: License activation issues have been resolved.
1.4.0 – 02/12/2020
- New: Enhanced UI for ordering ads in the list with widgets, blocks, and shortcodes.
- Update: Adds placeholder text to enhance usability on Beaver Builder modules.
- Update: Compatibility updates with the new Text Ads feature in Core.
- Update: New icons for blocks, shortcodes, and Beaver Builder modules to improve contrast.
- Update: For sites with lots of ads with similar names, more results will be returned in gutenberg blocks.
- Fix: Compatibility with Conditional Ad Display, User Role Ad Visibility, and developer filters
- Fix: We’ve addressed an issue with our caching structure so that the correct ads are always displayed.
1.4.1 – 03/19/2020
- New: Enhanced UI now has drag/drop for the shortcode builder.
1.5.0 – 02/08/2021
- New: Speedier live preview of widget updates in the WordPress Customizer.
- New: If you use Divi for your theme, you can now utilize our custom Divi module to embed your ads.
- Updated: Updated styling of Gutenberg blocks to match new WordPress core UI.
- Fixed: WordPress 5.5 Compatibility.
1.5.1 – 02/08/2022
- Fix: WordPress 5.9 Block Editor compatibility.
1.0.0 – 08/16/2017
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 09/28/2017
- New: filters to hide ads programmatically
- Fix: Don’t show expired ads
1.2 – 03/27/2018
- Update: More maintainable update engine
- Fix: License activation workflow has been fixed
- Fix: Really don’t show expired ads
1.2.1 – 03/27/2018
- Update: Switch to modern shortcode modal window
1.3.0 – 04/18/2019
- New: Gutenberg blocks
- New: Beaver Builder modules
- New: Webpack build process
- Update: AdSanity branding for consistency
- Update: Additional checks for required settings before displaying
- Update: Additional support for widget display
- Fix: Adds Polyfill for IE11 support
- Fix: Corrected REST endpoint on subfolder installs
1.3.1 – 04/18/2019
- Fix: REST query for Gutenberg editor
1.3.2 – 05/16/2019
- Update: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
1.3.3 – 07/09/2019
- New: Adds max-width setting to widgets to help with responsive display.
- New: Ads will be queried in a random order.
- Fix: Makes sure that all ads in a group are added to the rotating ad widget, rather than the number that is set in the blog post setting.
1.4.0 – 02/12/2020
- Update: Adds placeholder text to enhance usability on Beaver Builder modules.
- Update: Allow rotation to be random instead of linear by publish date. This is now a setting in all of our embed methods.
- Update: Compatibility updates with the new Text Ads feature in Core.
- Update: New icons for blocks, shortcodes, and Beaver Builder modules to improve contrast.
- Fix: Prevent javascript errors from happening if Google Analytics functionality wasn’t present when needed.
- Fix: Added missing CSS class from ads that would cause a shift in the alignment.
1.4.1 – 04/10/2020
- New: Loads network ads in an iFrame to allow javascript to run after the page initially renders.
- Fix: Stops ads from counting multiple views when an ad rotates through multiple times in the Rotating Ad widget.
- Fix: Choosing to order your ads randomly or not will now work as intended.
1.4.2 – 09/23/2020
- Update: Compatibility with AdSanity Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on
- Update: Selective refresh has been added to our widgets so they work more efficiently in the customizer.
- Update: Updates to blocks and widgets to address display and functionality issues related to WordPres 5.5.
1.5.0 – 02/08/2021
- New: If you use Divi for your theme, you can now utilize our custom Divi module to embed your ads.
1.6.0 – 09/23/2021
- New: With AdSanity 1.9 and above, you can now include rotating Ads automatically within content areas using the automatic inclusion settings.
1.6.1 – 11/07/2021
- Fix: Correctly tracks views using the new gtag implementation of tracking in the Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on
1.6.2 – 02/08/2022
- Fix: WordPress 5.9 Block Editor compatibility.
1.6.3 – 04/05/2022
- Fix: In some configurations, the display of some features in The Events Calendar Pro plugin were breaking when using the Rotating Ad Widget template tag. This has been corrected.
1.6.4 – 03/21/2024
- New: Adds support for embeds in the Elementor editor.
- Update: Our update engine has increased support for PHP 8+.
- Update: We’ve updated all of our build tools to take advantage of new features and security fixes.
- Fix: Network ads no longer render with scrollbars around them.
- Fix: In some cases the rendered ad markup wasn’t available and cause an empty space to load. The next rotation will now trigger immediately filling the gap for the broken ad.
1.0.0 – 10/20/2017
- The first release!
1.1.0 – 05/16/2019
- Updates: New UI for selecting roles
- Update: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
- Fix: Compatibility bug with Conditional Ads
- Fix: Fixes license activation issues
1.0.0 – 03/30/2020
- Initial release!
1.1.0 – 07/20/2020
- Fixed SQL queries to account for custom table prefixes.
1.2.0 – 03/29/2024
- Updated the plugin update library to be more compatible with PHP 8.2+
- Performed security audit and updated code where necessary
- Prepares plugin for translations