We’re happy to announce the next Add-On release for AdSanity – the Advertiser Reporting Add-On. This new, pro level Add-On brings some management features your advertisers will love.

Advertiser Reporting Setup

The first thing to do when you install the new Add-On is to create accounts for your advertisers. You’ll notice that there’s a new role created specifically for them titled succinctly, “Advertiser.” Make sure that you assign that role to the new account.

advertiser reporting user role
A função de usuário do Anunciante Relatante.

Next, you’ll want to associate all of the ads that belong to that advertiser to their user account. This can be done while you’re creating new ads or you can edit previously created ads. Assigning an Advertiser is a as simple as checking the box for their user account on the ad screen and updating (or publishing for a new ad).

advertiser reporting ad assignment
Os anunciantes podem ser designados para o anúncio quando este é criado ou quando se edita um anúncio.

For you technical folks out there the Advertiser user names become a taxonomy for the advertisement. This makes it easy to reassign ownership – say when an advertiser changes their contact information.

advertiser reporting advertisers
Os anunciantes estão listados como uma taxonomia.

Advertiser Reporting Features

With the setup in place your advertisers can log in and get report statistics for their ads whenever they like. This self-service access means less calls to you. The advertiser is empowered to assess the success of their own ads so they can provide you with another advertisement if the click through rate isn’t where they want it.

advertiser reporting reports
Os anunciantes podem fazer login com sua conta e ver relatórios para seus anúncios sempre que quiserem.

An additional feature that we included in the Advertiser Reporting Add-On is an ad expiration email notification. You can write this email in the settings screen we provide to notify your Advertiser users when their ads are going to expire. This helps you maximize your revenue as you’re keeping in touch with your clients before their ads expire.

advertiser reporting email notification
As notificações por e-mail podem ser automatizadas para que os anunciantes saibam quando seus anúncios vão expirar.

Overall the Advertiser Reporting Add-On is designed to help you make more money with your advertising. Development for this expansion came out of a user request for the feature. If you have something that you like to see become a part of AdSanity let us know – we want to provide you with the tools you need.